Safety Management Blog

Insights and trends to help you better manage your EHS program to improve compliance & workplace safety


Bullying: The Breakdown

In early 2018 Sherry Moss, professor of organizational studies at Wake Forest University, was approached by a woman struggling under a verbally and mentally abusive adviser– the subsequent investigation led to her recently published research article regarding the atmosphere of

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Go Buffs!

SafetyStratus recently sponsored Broomfield local co-ed adult volleyball team, the Bumpin’ Buffs. SafetyStratus President Curtis Baker (not pictured) is a member of the team. If you are in the Broomfield area you can catch one of their upcoming games, or

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The Future in Nuclear Energy

On September 4th, MIT News writer Francesca McCaffrey published a timely response to the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) report titled “The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World.” This report came as one of a collection, each exploring a

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ACS Seminar

ACS (American Chemistry Society) will be hosting a free online seminar regarding safety in the lab one week from now on Oct. 11. Chemical safety is recognized as one of the highest priorities for the Society. During this webinar ACS

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Human Lifespan

Prolonging the human lifespan is “the biggest thing that is going to happen in the 21st century,” says Harvard biologist, David Sinclair. The idea of the Bionic human, is conceptually one of the earliest schemes of science fiction. Thoroughly investigated

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Dinosaurs in Our Time

YaleNews writer Jim Shelton has been following the findings and publications of Yale assistant professor and assistant curator Bhart-Anjan Singh Bhullar and his team for the past few years. According to Shelton’s 2015 research review, Bhullar’s lab has been successful

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