safety professionals

The Safe Approach

Good Housekeeping: The Safe Approach

Even those who are very familiar with the professional applications of the term “housekeeping” may not be aware of how essential communication is for the proper handling of it. Good housekeeping generally equates to increased safety. If it makes sense … Read More

Leading Safety Metrics

Capturing and Using Leading Safety Metrics

Safety professionals collect data. It doesn’t make a difference if your focus is general safety, occupational hygiene, or a combination of the two. Performing safety observations, collecting air samples, and contributing data analysis to make inferences on potential hazards are … Read More

incident investigation

Incident Investigations: What’s the Point?

During my many years in safety, I’ve led dozens of incident investigations and, in general, enjoyed doing them. “Playing sleuth” appealed to my innate curiosity, and I felt confident that I was performing the task well. I have known many … Read More

Safety professionals and management

Relationships Are Not Built Behind a Desk

“If you don’t believe in the messenger, you won’t believe the message.” –Kouzes & Posner Much of my career and my writings have focused on building trust and productive partnerships between organizations’ workforce and leadership through personal and adult-to-adult interactions. … Read More

Safety Committees

Getting the Most Out of Your Safety Committees

Safety committees are a longstanding part of the safety tradition, but do they really add value? Though not officially required by OSHA, safety committees are a prerequisite to participating in OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program and are mandatory in several states … Read More

Safety, Commonsense and Nonsense

Safety, Commonsense, and Nonsense

Nonsense “Safety is nothing more than using common sense! In the aftermath of accidents, 85% are found to have been preventable.” “According to safety professionals, 4 in 5 serious injuries are the result of workers not being sensible on the job and … Read More