SafetyStratus Research Advisory Group

Safety Pre-Task Plan

Limitations of a Traditional Safety Pre-Task Plan 

Safety is a critical concern in any workplace, and employers should take all necessary measures to ensure the well-being of their employees. One such measure is the implementation of a safety pre-task plan, which is designed to identify and mitigate … Read More

ESG Reporting

Impact of Upcoming Mandatory ESG Reporting for US-Based Companies

Businesses in the US have been waiting for the SEC to issue a critical climate risk disclosure requirement. This decision to mandate ESG reporting was initially expected in December 2022 but has, thus far, been delayed. The proposed rule would … Read More


Addressing Ergonomic Concerns in the Office

The idea of a hazardous workplace usually conjures up the image of a busy construction site with fall hazards, excavations, and equipment, or a manufacturing plant with lots of moving parts and loud machinery. However, even offices can be hazardous … Read More

Preventing Hearing Loss in the Workplace

Preventing Hearing Loss in the Workplace

Some work environments are inherently extremely noisy. This environmental factor could be a serious hazard to workers if it is not handled correctly. As stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), roughly 22 million workers encounter dangerous … Read More

Machine Guarding

Machine Guarding in Manufacturing Facilities

Manufacturing plants contain numerous dangers that can injure and even kill workers. Common hazards include chemicals, slips and falls, electrical hazards, fast-moving forklifts, and machines with moving parts. Machinery with moving parts has the potential to cause serious workplace injuries, … Read More

Laboratory Safety

Laboratory Safety – Keeping Your Workers Safe

Thousands of Americans are employed in laboratories where they perform work to find cures for diseases, better understand and control infectious agents and toxins, and improve our lives and health. As with all occupations, laboratory workers face risks that vary … Read More