safety management system

Safety Management System

Plan Do Check Act NOT Plan Do Hope Pray – Building an Effective Safety Management System

Most safety management systems (SMS) are based on the Deming/Shewhart Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle.  We discussed PDCA in a previous article, but today’s article will take a closer look at the check step.  Why single out the check step?  Well, there … Read More

Safety Management System (SMS)

Safety Management System (SMS) vs. Program

In my over 30 years of assessing safety efforts, I have seen just about every good, bad, and ugly safety “program” you could imagine.  Many are merely versions of command and control where the workers are given the rules and … Read More

Safety Assurance Methodology (SAM)

Safety Assurance Methodology (SAM)

The essential objective of a safety management system is to provide for a systematic approach to achieving acceptable levels of safety risk. At the start, a system analysis is conducted, hazards are identified, risk is assessed, and controls are put … Read More