ACFS Safety Day 2022

Event: ACFS Safety Day 2022

Time: 8AM – 3PM EST

Speakers: Wendy Kern-Usrey – Director of Sales, SafetyStratus


Vendor Spotlight

SafetyStratus offers the industry’s most comprehensive enterprise EH&S software platform for reducing risks and achieving operational excellence. Wendy Kern-Usrey will be onsite at Rosen Plaza to share how SafetyStratus has partnered with user communities across various industries to streamline essential operations, including conducting inspections, performing behavior-based observations, collaborating on JSAs and JHAs, preparing incident reports, and tracking protocols and chemical inventory. Safety Day attendees are welcome to stop by the SafetyStratus booth and ask questions, share stories, and explore the possibilities of cutting-edge EH&S software.

For more information, visit the event page here.

Your Complete, Cloud-Based Safety Solution

An online, integrated platform to protect your team,
reduce risk, and stay compliant

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